Fri Mar 14 2025 19:26:48 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

// Re: Equal Access, Equal Rights

Letter to the Editor (Capilano Courier),

Sarah Vitet and the Capilano Courier editor would be outraged, if the most common elective surgery performed on British Columbian women has ZERO published nonhuman animal studies to validate its safety. When Sarah Vitet wrote her 29 Feb. 2012 article, she was 100% unaware that 'suction' (i.e. vacuum aspiration) abortion has zero published animal studies to validate its safety: URL: If Sarah Vitet can correctly cite such an animal study, she wins a $20,100 prize; for contest details, visit: Why Sarah and others want to support quack medical treatments is hard to fathom.

Brent Rooney

Dear Brent,

While I appreciate your letter, I cannot give you a proper response as I do not fully understand your concern. My article was regarding abortion access in Canada, and I do not at any point discuss published studies (human or nonhuman) validating the safety of vacuum aspiration, as that was not my topic. I will mention that regardless of past studies, abortion is one of the safest medical procedures performed, with only .5 per cent of all legal abortions resulting in serious complications, thus not a “quack procedure” in any way. I did a brief amount of research into vacuum aspiration, but as with any medical procedure, it required learning a lot of terminology and understanding more about the technicalities of surgical procedures than I had the energy to learn at this point in time. Though the $20,100 prize is a thoughtful incentive, unfortunately you have contacted the wrong person. I am, alas, only a journalist, not a medical researcher.

Thanks anyway,
Sarah Vitet

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