Tue Mar 18 2025 20:15:48 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

All the sides to an argument you need.

“Less Tuition = More Beer Money” is the mocking syllogism crayoned onto a sign gripped by a man amidst a student protest for lower tuition fees. The man, a non-student, identifies himself as a 'concerned taxpayer' against lowering tuition costs with his tax dollars. He argues students will redirect the funds to alcohol consumption and other luxurious debaucheries. Through the effervescence of student placards demanding middle-class education, this man’s message is being drowned out. And when the Canadian media, who is covering the protest, turns their cameras on to this solo protester, the surrounding students jeer in opprobrium. As he speaks to reporters, the debate becomes a yelling match that only Stephen Colbert could justify arbitrating: “Whoever is the loudest wins.” Within this debate, the students represent one side of the protest, while the man represents the other. Out of the hundreds of students who showed up to protest, does this one civilian deserve to get the entire half of the media coverage simply because he represents the “other side” of the debate? 

Deborah Tannen, in her book The Argument Culture, argues that society does not always need to hear the ‘other side of a story.'  Tannen uses the example of Holocaust-deniers who are given air time to debate their version of events; the public doesn’t need to know that side of the debate. Why spread lies? Even the largest talk show host on television, Oprah, made the mistake of representing the “other side” of racism by inviting the Klu Klux Klan to her show. Later, Oprah remarked that she would never invite the KKK on again because it merely empowered them rather than enlightening viewers. Smart choice.

But how far down the line of fringe minority perspectives do we feel comfortable in dismissing?
The more popular belief is that ‘both sides of the debate’ is an ideal that journalists ought to strive for. The theory of representing ‘both sides’ was put forth by one of the Greek fathers of Western rhetoric, Protagoras. He was also known for representing both sides of an argument with equal persuasion. If one can argue logically for the opposite side of an argument, has he not caused the existence of that Truth?

Irvine University recently put out a paper that remarked that our current form of argumentation is merely a reactionary one. If someone makes an argument towards something, another person will feel inclined to respond an antithesis due to their scepticism towards another person's nugget of Truth. Is it not ironic that to this day, the top leaders in effective communication, Chomsky and Lakoff, refuse to speak to one another? Lakoff’s last words to Chomsky were simply: “You’re wrong, Noam. You’re wrong.”

What does the reader take away from reading both sides of the argument? The answer is the Gestalt - Or what Hegel would propose as the synthesis. Simply put: If we’re given a thesis, and then its antithesis, we may derive a synthesis of the two theories. How exactly the thesis and antithesis are combined is the question. Some argue that it’s a balance of points from both sides of the argument, such as a negotiation. While others have argued that it’s an actual combination of both arguments.

So when the civilian protests student protesters should we listen to his side of the story? I’d argue yes, but other philosophers would disagree. As you read through this week’s issue, you’ll find two other debates to ponder the grey areas of such questions. One is in the Arts section with Cook and Walker, and the other is in the Opinions on the virtues of theft. If you think you have the answer on how to debate any of these issues, please write in.

//Alamir Novin

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