What would you like to see from the new Cap U President?

Sarah Khan

“Okay, maybe a wider range of courses that could be available here, maybe expanding the campus, having an actual bachelor’s degree,  and lowering tuition.”

Dylan Cosman

“I would like them to be really concerned about the student body.”

Lizzie Arnold

“Mine’s kind of superficial. I would be more likely to be impressed if they had a moustache”

S.K. Xu
“Probably we need more space for like, a playground or something. We have a pretty small sportsplex. And the cafeteria is always crowded, so I’d want him to expand the cafeteria area.”

Jorge Orellana

“Well, as a film student, I would like to see more studios where we could actually go out and shoot, and more equipment. And a new cafeteria because it gets too crowded here.”

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