Fri Mar 14 2025 07:18:01 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


CAPILANO STUDENTS UNION ELECTIONS Nominations are now open for Capilano Students Union (CSU) executive committee positions, including Educational Issues Coordinator, Environmental Issues Coordinator, First Nations Students' Liaison, Queer Students' Liaison, Students of Colour Liaison, Social Activities Coordinator, Students with Disabilities' Liaison and Women's Liaison. If you are interested in running, drop by the CSU office, or contact Giselle Aiabens at for more information.

Check out next week’s issue of the Courier for further details on the CSU committees and the election process. STRATEGIC PLANNING INFORMATION SESSION A new Vision, Mission and Values statement is underway, as part of Capilano University’s Strategic Planning initiative. There are two information sessions regarding the strategic planning process for students, the first taking place on Monday, September 21, and the second on Thursday, September 24. Both are in Birch 322 from 11:30 – 1:00pm. The plans to be discussed at the sessions are to affect the general direction Capilano heads in the next five years. All students are welcome to attend.

Natalie Corbo
Occasional Contributor

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