Sun Mar 16 2025 20:27:02 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Vol 45 Issue 23


The Capilano Students’ Union met with the University on Mar. 30 to discuss food and beverage services on campus, as the University’s exclusivity contract with Aramark is ending in 18 months. “Student consultation is a necessary part of university governance and decision-making,” says David Clarkson, University Relations Officer.

At their executive meeting this Wednesday, the Union’s Board of Directors will be discussing the potential of hosting a survey on the food and beverage services on campus. If successful, the survey will be available on their website and will be launched in the next couple of weeks.

“The survey’s intention is to discover what students and faculty expect out of their food service provider, and also to measure satisfaction with current food operations on campus,” says Saam Nasirpour, the CSU’s Food and Beverage Services Committee chairperson.

“I would like to see student values reflected more,” he says. “And I would like to see students purchasing food on campus because they enjoy eating it, rather than it being the only option available.”


The Illustration/Design: Elements and Application (IDEA) program is hosting a fundraiser around campus in the coming weeks.

Fundraisers through this program have varied, including everything from selling calendars featuring students’ paintings to selling buttons designed by students. This time around, the first-years have decided to turn their button fundraising into a competition. They are working in six different groups, with each group trying to sell the most buttons.

Each group has a name for their campaign, including “One Tit at a Time” (buttons for breast cancer research), “sha-WING!” (featuring pop-culture references), “The Memes” (showcasing Internet memes), “The Cat-Lovers” (buttons with cats, to support the Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association as well as IDEA), “****! Say It Out Loud!” (picture yourself on a button saying whatever you want), and “The 50-50” (campus-wide 50-50 draw).

The IDEA program does a plethora of fundraisers throughout their three year program. The money they raise goes towards better equipment in their work spaces, their graduation show, and a trip to New York in their third year of study. The buttons will be sold at booths around campus in the first couple weeks of April.

//Samantha Thompson, editor-in-chief

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