Fri Mar 14 2025 05:30:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

// Jason Jeon

“It’s more set up like an art institute; we’re not only learning from Sam, but we follow personal investigations, and as well learn from each other,” says Advanced Ceramic Course student Alanna Jane. Advanced Ceramic course, more commonly known as “third year” for most Studio Art students, is the class for the experienced ceramic artists who are interested in investigating the new techniques and self-motivated projects.

The Advanced Ceramic course is designed for the artists with at least two years of pottery-related experience, and since all of the members have different background of knowledge, it’s common to find them discussing various topic during their class time.

“[Learning in ceramic class] is like a conversation,” Jane says. “We’re inspired by each other in class. Because each person in this class has different experience, some people might have a technique that’s easier than what you might have been doing.”

The semi-annual Pottery Sale features handmade ceramic goods made by the Advanced Ceramic course artisans as well as first and second-year Studio Art students. The Summer Pottery Sale will be held Apr. 27-28 in the Maple building.

1. Roohy carving her clay sculpture

2. Alanna, holding her owl bookshelf guardian 

 3. Trimming a plate

4. Adding detail to a bowl

5. Coralie throwing her jar

More photos available online on the new website!

//Words and photographs by Jason Jeon

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