Tue Mar 18 2025 00:27:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Things happened at the Student Union, and you paid for them!
// Beni Spieler


The CSU spring elections concluded last Friday, and two previously vacant positions were filled. Hyerin Choi was elected as the International Students' Liason, and Brooklyn Kemp was elected as the Queer Students' Liason. Both Choi and Kemp are students in the Global Stewardship program, a program that has dominated the CSU board for many years. Currently seven out of 16 positions on the CSU board are held by Global Stewardship students. The election had no requests for recounts, and so the results were officially ratified as of the previous CSU meeting on Feb. 15.


The Where's The Funding?! (WTF?!) campaign continues to garner attention, both provincially and locally on campus.

“We are calling on the B.C. Government to commit to an immediate increase in funding to the post-secondary system on a long-term basis,” the WTF?! website states. “In order to achieve a more accessible and affordable postsecondary education.”

The campaign’s list of demands include the elimination of interest rates on student loans, the re-establishment of a provincial needs-based grants program, and an increase to core-funding for colleges and universities.

To promote this event on campus, the CSU is planning on holding a “soup kitchen” lunch event on Mar. 6: “The soup kitchen was done at UVic originally,” explains Teresa Grant, Social Justice Coordinator for the CSU.

She continued to explain that reps from others schools would come to join the event at Capilano. The goal with this soup kitchen is to raise awareness of the WTF?! Campaign, to get signatures for the petition supporting the goals of the campaign, and to give something back to the student body.

“We’ve printed out a bunch of declaration cards in order to get signature support for the campaign … [and we] do a lot of outreach,” Grant continues. “Its a one on one kind of event [where you can] talk to people [and] hear their story. It’s about reaching people. We at the CSU love to feed people.”

The event is expected to serve 650 people, and was approved with a budget of $2,150.

However, a spot of controversy arose during the Feb. 8 CSU board meeting in which the Soup Kitchen event was approved by the CSU. Grant, who was elected as the Social Justice Coordinator, has been coordinating the WTF campaign for the CSU since joining, but Nolan Remedios, Educational Issues Representative, felt that this event should have been held under his jurisdiction.

“I feel that my capacity is seriously diminished by the fact that I have been given no control over the two campaigns that we're involved with that directly effect Ed Issues,” said Remedios. “Don’t get me wrong; that being said, Teresa is doing a great job. That kind of actually happened out of circumstance, more than anything else.”

Remedios continues to explain that he wasn’t able to attend a crucial meeting, and Teresa Grant was sent instead: “She ran with it, and things just kind of stuck. We decided later on that we should formalize this, and establish a WTF committee.”

At that meeting, a formal committee was also struck for WTF, which would act independently of the Ed Issues Committee. Grant and Remedios both nominated themselves to be the coordinator, of which the board selected Grant.

When asked about whether she thought this should go through the Educational Issues Committee, she said, “We didn’t find it to be the most effective way to run the campaign so we formed a sub-committee, for the campaign.”

With regards to Remedios' concerns, she said, “Everyone has the right to run for the position they want. … It’s ambitious; you really need to know your stuff. It takes a lot of work, but it really pays off.”

The soup kitchen is going to be held on Mar. 6 in the Lower Cafeteria during the noon hour.


Embattled CSU Ed Issues Coordinator Nolan Remedios has also been tied up in other controversy recently. Concerns arose among the executive committee in January when it became evident that he had not submitted minutes for the two meetings that he is required to hold every month.

“I’d held the meetings, but I was told after that I didn’t have a proper minute-keeper,” he explains. “Richard [Honkanen, CSU staff member] had told me before, for Ed Issues specifically, only he can do the minutes, not a student.”

The Ed Issues committee also has certain stipulations that don’t apply to the other committees: “I have to hold [meetings] before board of governor and senate meetings. If I hold a meeting, I have to have a certain number of board of governor and senate reps present, otherwise it doesn’t count as a meeting, even if students show up.” He continues, “Would you as a student come if all you’d hear about is what happened at the last senate meeting?”

It was also brought up that Remedios was scheduling meetings that other members were unable to attend: “We created a doodle page so that it would be easier to make the schedules.”

On one occasion he did not show up for the meeting he had scheduled. He explained that he had decided to meet with students in the cafeteria, and that the meeting took place in this manner.

He currently has not applied to receive his stipend for the months of November and December, which are the months the meetings allegedly took place. Remedios says he may or may not try to apply for those payments in the future. However, according to CSU bylaws, an executive member may only collect their monthly stipend up to 30 days after the end of the month.

Previously, a similar controversy arose due to another board member, David Clarkson, failing to collect his stipend for a period of 12 months. He put forward a resolution at the November general meeting to suspend that bylaw so that he could collect his pay; however, the meeting was adjourned before it reached conclusion.

//Beni Spieler, writer

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