Thu Mar 13 2025 11:30:29 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Jeordie Ker likes short shorts

“I’m sure there are people at the school who don’t even know we have a volleyball team,” says Jeordie Ker, left side for the Blues men’s squad. When asked if he would consider wearing tighter shorts to try to attract some of the more apathetic students into the bleachers, he laughs. “Maybe I have…”

Regardless of the players’ attire, Jeordie believes students should be interested in volleyball because it is “actually a team sport. I played basketball in high school, and then joined the volleyball team in grade ten. I enjoyed it more. There’s more camaraderie. It’s hard to find a basketball team that actually plays like a team.”

Jeordie had a roundabout path to Capilano. Although he went to high school in Ladner, he accepted a scholarship to play for the Mennonite University Blazers in his first year, a move that sent him to the frigid city of Winnipeg. Almost immediately he regretted his decision, and began looking for schools in BC that he could play for. “The prairies were fun, but I missed the mountains and ocean,” he explains.

After talking to former head coach James Sneddon at Capilano, Jeordie found a spot on what, at that time, was “a very good team.” He moved back to BC and began playing for the Blues in the fall of 2008. Unfortunately, Jeordie may have been a victim of the old “bait and switch” technique, as the team he joined was vastly different than the one he had been impressed with, and his first season was a disappointing one, accentuated by the their failure to make the playoffs.

When asked about the status of the squad this year, he admits, “We have a very young team. There are nine rookies this year, which is ridiculous. Most teams have two or three.” He adds that they have faced a few problems this year. “Two players failed out, and then a guy this weekend dislocated his knee. He’s out for the season.” As a result of these setbacks the team stands at 7th place in league play with three wins and eight losses.

Despite the team’s modest performance, Jeordie is quick to praise his teammates. “Dan Caverley is amazing,” he says. “He’s probably going to get Rookie of the Year.” He is also humble about his own role on the team, saying that as a left side, he does a little of everything. “You pass, play defence, and hit.” While some might think this makes it one of the more difficult positions, Jeordie is modest. “It’s not a lot of pressure,” he shrugs.

While Jeordie has a relaxed attitude towards the game, he is passionate about Capilano’s shortage of support for the volleyball team. “There’s a lack of athletic advertising, for sure,” adding that the school tends to promote its other sports at the expense of volleyball. Another reason he cites for the poor attendance is the general lack of interest for volleyball in BC. “My coach [Marcelo Paz] is Brazilian. Volleyball is huge in South America, but it’s not so big here.”

Despite this, he’s optimistic about the future of the Blues, saying, “We get better every single game … the rookies are getting accustomed to the speed of the game. Hopefully, we’ll get into the playoffs, and see how it goes.” He notes that the last four games of the season are home games, which would be a perfect opportunity for Capilano students to lend their support to the Blues’ playoff hopes.

When asked about his future plans, Jeordie says, “I’m not sure right now. I’ll probably continue at Capilano next year. [Being a student here] allows me to play volleyball, which is what I love. I get antsy if I don’t play for, like, two days.” He knows he will likely have to transfer to another university eventually, but is certain of one thing. “Wherever I go, I need to play volleyball.”

//Laura Kane
Sports Writer

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