Sat Mar 15 2025 04:09:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Featured comments from our website

Re: Stealing Is Okay

“I work for Aramark. I am Robin Hood. The kids on my
campus love me, Aramark is a serial rapist and should be bent
over and dealt the hand it deals to its clientele.”

Re: Scoop Scoopers III

“That guy really looks like Matt Damon. Freaky!”


Re: Talkin’ Taxes: Grad Students Question CFS Tax Plan

“This McGill graduate student cannot disagree more with
the current position of the PGSS President. Simeone’s
statements, both in this article and others, demonstrate
that he didn’t bother to investigate the CFS policy, internal
PGSS policy, and how these policies were developed before
publicly taking a regressive position. As a Canada Gradu-
ate Scholarship (CGS) recipient, I feel I should have paid
taxes on my award. Those taxes would not have materially
impacted my ability to pay my bills. Upfront grants would,
however, help my colleagues who aren’t lucky enough to
hold a CGS pay their rent. If the end goal is to ensure more
graduate students receive adequate funding, it is far prefer-
able for us to stand in solidarity as a student movement than
for a thoughtless few to undermine the good work that is
being done.”

-Melane Thompson

Re: Voicebox comment on tipping bartenders

“The only reason I tip the bartender more than the barista is
because the bartender has managed to make society ‘believe’
that we should tip that much while the barista is happy to get
a dime.”

-Kilgore Trout

Re: Letterbox Issue 11

“‘Contradicto-crypto-gibberish peddling’ rhyming propa-
ganda language! Also isn’t this somewhat slanderous against
the beautiful Sarah Vitet and the charming Mike Kennedy?
Threats of violence in the courier seems like tricky business.”


Re: Voicebox comment on Ska

“Ska is awesome! you guys are just big meanie pants who
couldn’t handle being in a circle pit of fist pumps and love.”


“Ska sucks wrinkly wannabe British testies.”


Re: All Aboard the Steam Train

“Vancouver is chock full of delicious sub/counter-culture/s
(some on the forefront, some not), you just need to look and
listen with the right eyes and ears. Especially so in today’s
world of unheard of today, 1,000,000 hits tomorow.


Re: Local Wrestler’s MemorialMatch

“This saddened me to read, not only in the context of wres-
tler suicides (which sadly seems to be a repeated occurrence
I’ve discovered), but also in a personal connection. when I
was in fifteen years old, Adam was one of the wrestlers who
came through my hometown of Trail, BC as part of a wres-
tling company. I was a pudgy awkward kid, but watching him
perform made me want to be a wrestler. (To those who know
me now this is a laugh, but at the time I was so committed to
this idea). I ended up meeting him and interviewing him for
my high school newspaper, and when my class came down
to Vancouver on a school trip, he met with me for lunch and
told me that no matter what I did in my life, I would make an
impression. you can imagine the impact that this older, cool
athlete had on me, and how his words mattered so much. To
this day, I still had Adam on my Facebook page and would
message back and forth with him occasionally from time to
time. I could see through his posts his dedication to his world
of wrestling as well to his family. I may not be interested
in the wrestling at this point in my life, but I still remember
Adam and his influence on me ten years later, and am sad that
such a kind and generous person felt the need to leave this
earth. My thoughts go out to his family.”

-JJ Brewis

Re: Alternative Exercise

“There’s lots of hooping class options to be found in Vancou-
ver, too! My classes and workshops are listed at, and there is an upcoming hoop-and-other-skill-
toy party that includes mini hoop workshops - learn more at
or visit to learn more about the global
hoop community! want to join Vancouver’s longest running
hoop jam? The Saturday Circus meets from 2-4pm most Sat-
urday afternoons at Robson Square - by the newly refurbished
ice rink underground at Robson and Howe. Come play!”

-Christa Giles

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