Thu Mar 13 2025 10:43:02 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Seeking film submissions and an audience

Are you a current Capilano student who has created a film and are waiting for an opportunity to have an audience view it on the big screen? Are you looking for some quality, cheap entertainment during your lunch hour? Do you secretly wish you lived in the early 1900s so you could experience a classic vaudeville theatre show? If so, then a few Arts and Entertainment Management students have what you are looking for.

Alyssa Forzley, Jacob Pasterfield, and Kristina Crnković are providing current Capilano University students with the opportunity to showcase their film making skills, and to view films that other Cap students have created, at a two day film festival taking place on November 19th and 20th.

The Penny Cabaret Film Festival will take place during your lunch hour from 12:00 - 1:00pm in the Capilano Performing Arts Theatre, and all are welcome to attend. The event will have a penny cabaret, old vaudeville theme, and in true penny cabaret fashion, it will cost you a penny to attend. For those who are unfamiliar with vaudeville, it’s a theatre entertainment variety show combining an assortment of unrelated acts (such as songs, dances, and magic) that was highly popular in America from the late 1880s to the early 1900s. Attendees can expect to experience an event that will feed off of this theme and “will be filled with magic and carnies,” according to Jacob.

Alyssa, Jacob, and Kristina have been working hard with the film and theatre departments to put this event together, and are looking forward to showcasing as much current student material as possible. Many student films have already been submitted, and they are still accepting submissions. This is a perfect opportunity for students to showcase their films, because on November 19th, Capilano University is hosting an Open Studio Day welcoming high school students to explore and learn about careers in visual, media, performing and motion picture arts.

According to Jacob, these visitors will “provide a great opportunity for film students to promote themselves to people who may attend [the Open Studio Day]. It is a chance for students who have work that they are proud of to showcase it, and that is the focus - we are trying to get the students names out there.”

Deadline submission is November 12th. Anyone who would like to submit film can contact Jacob at, or can drop the films off, with either Alyssa’s, Jacob’s, or Kristina’s name on it, at the Arts and Entertainment Office beside the Capilano Performing Arts Theatre entrance. The films can be a maximum of 10 minutes in length, and they do not have to relate to the penny cabaret vaudeville theme. All submitted films should have return information attached so that they can be returned after the film festival. Jacob’s final request of all who are planning on attending this event: “Bring your hobos!”

//Jessica Nolan

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