Thu Mar 13 2025 10:57:34 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


“I think the Tim Hortons people hate me. I mean, they
probably hate everyone. But I feel like they specifically hate
me. I order the same thing every day and I feel stupid about
it. Okay? I feel stupid about it. I’m sorry, Tim Hortons em-

“Everyone should submit to the Liar by October 30th. Send
stuff to We put up a bunch of
posters but they are bad.”
[Ha! They sure are. -Ed.]

“The North Shore Youth Safe House is looking for volun-
teers. We need a new Mr. or Mrs. Capilano U! Contact
Wendy at (778) 227-7302 or

“I don’t know why people care anymore about the Dalai
Lama. I know it’s considered trendy to attend to the author-
ity of a big pimpin spirit daddy for everything from happi-
ness to foreign policy, but isn’t this just a manifestation of
patriarchy and hierarchical submission? I mean, what can a
celibate monk tell me about relationships? He has never had
one, but he has been pretty clear about his finger-wagging
on shagging, oral sex and masturbation. He’s like a uni-
corn... only applicable to virgins and Harry Potter people.”
[This was sent via email... that’s why it’s so articulate. -Ed.

There are now more ways than ever to have your opinion
heard via Voicebox. You can email voicebox@capcourier.
com, phone (604) 984-4949 (ext. 5), or simply come find our
opinionation station on Tuesday afternoons in the birch caf-
eteria. We’ll record your opinion, no matter how relevant or
informed. And please, don’t be shy. We’re asking for your
opinion… We’re not asking to watch you pee.

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