Mar. 27, 2010, the world lost a truly courageous soul. Her name was Eva Markvoort,
and although her life only spanned two and a half decades, her existence helped
to raise awareness for the debilitating disease that she battled. Markvoort
suffered from Cystic Fibrosis (CF), a genetic disorder that causes thick mucus
to form and lead to blockage, particularly in the lungs, which can lead to an
Mar. 8, the film was shown at Capilano University, greeting a healthy turnout
of those both familiar with Markvoort’s story and those who wanted to learn
more. 65_Redroses has
also been featured on CBC and has won numerous accreditations and awards. Additionally,
as the film was completed before the death of Markvoort, a revised film
released in 2009 that incorporates her death is now shown.
was a theatre student at the University of Victoria, receiving her degree at her
bedside, in addition to the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Doug
Summerhayes award and the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal, awarded for
her commitment to the cause of Cystic Fibrosis.
blogged about her condition throughout her treatment, chronicling her lung transplant
and eventual transplant rejection until her death. She was initially searching
for support from other CF patients who had undergone the same challenges she
was facing, but soon it became clear that she was supporting thousands of other
CF patients as well as those with various challenges in their lives. The name
of her LiveJournal blog, “65_Red Roses”, stems from the way children suffering
from the disease often mispronounce “Cystic Fibrosis”. Markvoort’s favorite
color, red, also influenced the name of her blog, which is now frequently
updated by her family.
had many passions, one of which was working with children. “She always worked in
the summertime with kids, with Burnaby Parks and Recreation,” says Markvoort’s
mother, Janet Brine. “She wanted to work in hospitals with kids, as a child
play worker. I say work, but I really mean play, because that’s what they do
with the kids, just to distract them and make them feel better.”
2009, Markvoort applied for a job that would allow her to fulfill her dream of
working with children, and got the job, but was forced to turn it down because
of her failing health.
in her final days, Markvoort dedicated herself to keeping in touch with her
supporters, posting countless poems, pictures, and updates. However, as her
condition grew worse, Markvoort knew that it was time to say goodbye. On Mar.
25, she wrote the last heartbreaking post on her blog.
am not managing, not managing at all. I'm drowning in the medications. I can't
breathe. Every hour. Once an hour. I can't breathe. Something has to change,”
she wrote to her supporters. Two days later at 9:30am, Markvoort passed away at
Vancouver General Hospital.
the showing of the documentary 65_Redroses at Capilano, the president
of the university Dr. Kris Bulcroft, members of BC Transplant, and co-director
of 65_Redroses,
Nimisha Mukerji, were present to answer questions from the audience.
from the screening went towards the cause that Markvoort advocated for so fiercely,
the BC Transplant campaign urging people to become organ donors. A copy of 65_Redroses
can now be
found at the Capilano University Library. The documentary offers information on
organ donation and transplants, the current state and future of public health
campaigns, and facts on cystic fibrosis and organ donation, including just how
many people are affected by organ donation.
It may not seem like it, but organ transplants are a lot more common than most people think. Even at Capilano University, many staff members and students have been recipients of new organs. Last year in B.C alone, 285 people received organ transplants. However, in that same year, there were 432 British Columbians that were still active on the waitlist. Today in Canada, there are more than 800,000 Canadians that are registered organ donors, but as we can learn from Markvoort, there is no greater gift than the gift of a donated organ. This is why the B.C. Transplant campaign urges you to consider registering as an organ donor, if you are not already one.
communicated with her supporters in the social media network right up until her
death, and as her postings reached people, so did her message of love, life,
and hope. Even in Markvoort’s passing, her impact is still felt. And although
Brine misses her daughter, she knows she is at peace and that her time on earth
made an important influence.
think it was a message of hope that she sent. That’s something she always had
with her, even in the final stages. I think the ones for whom that was most
meaningful were the people who had challenges in their lives.”
//Victoria Fawkes, staff writer
//Graphics by Shannon Elliott
//Victoria Fawkes, staff writer
//Graphics by Shannon Elliott