Featured fiction
// Kevin Murray


a common complaint to food aid
cut the feeding tube
where does that money funnel?
no trust, no money, no feed
life. method. die
agenda takes precedence
over priority

work an idea
then juxtapose something
unrelated. pray for context
BEEP. volta
like that. better to
nowball another propaganda piece
meta journalism
social cue. sneeze
bless you! encore
there’s a hinge linking them
from general
to specific

…he’s heavy for a 16 year old… Indian descent
…try and drop 50 pounds… Natives support
what Hitler did…
…thought he was white, too… Mr. White? Jesus

compound nationalist socialist
the music
that’s what happened
all those gadgets from the future
is this
is Canada strange
this. what is is what. we know
symbols of death and torture so
totally banal
thanksgiving dinner
from an ethnographic standpoint

how is hierarchy . become totally bizarre
perspective . changed
juxtapose / 10 minute\
documentary making



updated my Facebook profile picture
to show a portrait painting
caught a camera flash
looked like a mirror
mirror my face, look
looks like I’m glowing

to solve a murder

changed my status s
aid not momma’s art party
then thought better than this
is Main street
and your father’s plaid shirt c
ould be so lol
is not meme enough
for my wall

posted a link
to the Hong Kong Mambo
so I could show you
how meta it gets

to solve a murder

stopped in for a burger
it was 3.99
see that green tea
don’t do nothin
for me, I’m
up all night, anyway

a waiter
a watcher
on weekends
double rainbows
disguised as what does it mean
on your wall
when your baby falls
or your monday run
had puddles
and your quotes inspire


and freed on your wall
you are

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