Thu Mar 13 2025 11:23:38 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Olympics were not overshadowed by Parliament

According to MP Stockwell Day, “With the Olympics on, we’ve made the decision to delay the opening of Parliament by 20 days. That gives us the time to do what’s necessary surrounding the Olympics”. This delay allows MP's to participate in Olympic ceremonies and gives citizens the opportunity to wrap themselves in Canadian flags and Olympic warmth rather than be distracted by parliamentary politics.

“I'm so grateful that the federal government decided to take a vacation during the Games. They take up so much of my attention normally, I don't think I could have focused so well on the Games, if they hadn't prorogued.” explains Alyssa Jameson, a real estate agent from Surrey.

MP's have been getting quite involved in the Olympics, even tweeting about the events. Hedy Fry in particular has been tweeting up a storm in support of Canadian athletes. One tweet reads: “Spoke to more of the Sochi delegation yesterday: they're going to have a great Games, but we're still going to beat them on the ice tonight!”

Stephen Harper was able to have “Chatted about mens' hockey with Ivan Gašparovič, President of Slovakia”. Jack Layton had time to show Rick Mercer around his house for the Mercer Report on CBC.  Michael Ignatieff spent time in Vancouver and was able to watch the Canadian women's hockey team win gold. It is unlikely that this level of MP involvement could have occurred had Parliament been in session.

// Sarah Vitet
assistant arts editor

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