Being a mascot has, over time, come to be viewed as a “lax” or “fun” job. However, the 2010 Olympic mascots are offended at the notion that they have “lesser” or “easier” jobs than any of the athletes or workers at the Winter Games. They recently consented to an exclusive interview to discuss some of the challenges that these mascots face on a day to day basis.
Quatchi is a shy Sasquatch, from the deep mystical forests of British Columbia. He loves hockey and photography.
Cap Courier: Quatchi, in native legends from the Pacific Northwest, sasquatch are mysterious and ever elusive; even you describe yourself as shy. How do you plan to deal with the pressure, and international publicity of being an olympic mascot?
Quatchi: (blushes a bit) I am very lucky be surrounded by such great teammates. Miga and Sumi are great; they bring a lot of energy every night. I think they will be getting most of the attention, taking a lot of pressure off of me. I am just excited to have this opportunity on the world stage. I plan to give it 110% and really just put the team first.
CC: You have taken a lot of flack from sasquatch traditionalists, for your use of boots. Can you comment?
Q: The boots just give me the edge my game needs. I know sasquatch have traditionally gone without footwear, but this is just an advancement in equipment. They underestimate the difficulty of navigating the city in bare feet – this sure ain’t the Shire.
Miga is a sea-bear! That is half Orca, half Kermode bear. She lives in the ocean, and loves to snowboard, on underwater mountains.

CC: Miga, your role as an Olympic mascot is a large one; with it comes the opportunity to positively influence many of the world’s children. How do you plan to do this?
Miga: Well, like, um, I plan to let children know about, like, world peace. Peace is, like, so vital to life. If everyone were, like, murdering someone, and like, that other person was murdering them back, no one would, like, be alive. That is why the Olympics are so, like, important, because sports, like, promote peace.
CC: Miga, I know that you crave attention. Merchandise featuring Quatchi is greatly outselling yours. How do you feel about that?
M: Um, it’s really, like, ridiculous. I think people should have, like, better taste. Look at him. He is, like, a big clumsy oaf. And look at me, I’m, like, beautiful. Like, wake up people.
Sumi is a wise guardian spirit, with transformative powers. His favourite colour is fern green (if you are are having a tough time picturing that exact shade of green, think Yoda).

CC: Sumi, you are a guardian spirit with transformative powers. This idea of transformation is quite a common theme in West Coast Native culture; I believe it is also an inspiring message about the Paralympics. Can you comment?
Sumi: Hrrrmmm, talk about that, surely I can. About strength from within, the paralympics are. Overcoming obstacles in their lives, being empowered, and being transformed through competition on the world stage athletes are.
CC: You have been criticized because the general public cannot relate well to you, because your identity is very vague. How does this affect your interaction with fans?
S: It doesn't. Simply Sumi, I am. If I myself be, relate to me people will, no matter the composition of my identity. Yesssssss... Hmmm.
// Colin May,