Fri Mar 14 2025 05:40:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Presidential Search

Greg Lee’s last days as Capilano’s head honcho grow ever closer. The presidential search committee is charged with the task of selecting the final candidates for presidency, one of whom will be approved by the Senate. Since the application deadline was November 16, consulting firm Pinton Forrest & Madden has been screening candidates, and will continue this process through January. Due to the Olympics in February, interviews will not be conducted until March. PSC member Ghazal Tohidi noted that so far, most of the selected candidates are from out of town.

Dr. Lee’s term officially ends on August 31, 2010. Although there has been no word yet on his plans for life after Capilano, he revealed in a popular Internet video that he believes he bears a striking resemblance to the mayor of North Vancouver, which may offer telling insight into his future plans.

Hunger Relay for Homelessness

Capilano students went hungry to raise awareness about homelessness this November. Cap’s Social Justice Committee joined the 2010 Homelessness Hunger Strike Relay, which recently marked its one year anniversary on December 29. Capilano’s participation was only one part of the ongoing relay, in which a wooden spoon is passed on after each one-week leg of the national campaign. The hunger strike will continue to June 2010, at which time supporters will travel to Ottawa, demanding affordable housing and better social programs.

CSU elections surpassed (low) expectations, change election bylaws

The CSU held its most successful elections in recent memory this past fall, with 15% of the student population casting their ballots. CSU staff estimated that a high number in the past has been about 200 votes, though 471 students voted this year. The success of this election has partly been attributed to the unusually high number of contested positions.

There will be 2010 elections held for several positions which have terms ending in the spring. These elections will be run under the newly amended election bylaws, which were passed at the CSU’s Fall Annual General Meeting. The changes mainly deal with procedural guidelines for disqualifying candidates, but another notable change is a drastic decrease in the amount of signatures a candidate needs for nomination. Previously, 15 were required but under the new policy, only five are necessary.

Swine Flu infects Cap, vaccinations delayed

In late October, the Courier received word that several students at Capilano had been diagnosed with H1N1. Students were not notified by the school, but schools are not obligated to inform students if other students are infected, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada. Shortly after, the school posted vaccination dates for November, which were cancelled, and postponed until December. According to Capilano’s website, students who missed the December 3 vaccination date are able to schedule an appointment by contacting Mary Ciccone in Health Services, at 604-984-4964.

Compostable cutlery

As part of Capilano’s mission to become a “greener” campus, plastic cutlery was abolished over the summer of 2009 and replaced with compostable cutlery. However, shortly into the fall term, students discovered that the cutlery is only useful for cold meals – the cutlery melts under heat, making it useless for basically anything besides salad. Aramark is currently looking for an alternative, though Dan Traviss of Aramark noted that this is both a difficult and costly endeavor.

//Natalie Corbo

News Editor

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