Prospective journalists of Capilano University! What stood out most to you at the Canadian University Press’s national conference? You attended it last week… don’t look at me like that.
Mike Kennedy:
Arts Editor
The seminars really helped my critical thinking and changed the way I look at investigative journalism. Also, I discovered that strip bars work better in principle than they do in reality. It seems like a good idea until it’s 2AM and some lady is demanding to be pelted with pocket change.
Arts Editor
The seminars really helped my critical thinking and changed the way I look at investigative journalism. Also, I discovered that strip bars work better in principle than they do in reality. It seems like a good idea until it’s 2AM and some lady is demanding to be pelted with pocket change.
Copy Editor
I learned that Twitter is actually useful. Did you know that right now, in Haiti, people are tweeting about where to find food, and other people are reading their tweets and subsequently finding food? Also, without Twitter, how would everyone know that I am on the toilet?
Samantha Thompson:
Assistant News Editor
It is incredibly popular to ask long questions, which are in actuality just extended sentences with a question mark at the end. Like, last week I was reading this really interesting study about people and their relationships with lemurs and I don’t have a lemur because my sister is allergic but I secretly want one and do you think that I could one day have a lemur before I become really really old? The funny thing is, I secretly love it when people ask these questions. It’s like a double dose of learning.
Assistant News Editor
Shannon Elliott:
Arts Director
I noticed that there is a severe shortage of attractive men at these conferences. Considering that this gathering of students samples a wide range of geographic locations across our great country, I thought that I would get to try a much more choice selection of Canadian meats. Especially considering that there were so many fine ladies in attendance. Where is Canada hiding all the sexy student journalists? My pimp hand is about as strong as the economy right now.
Arts Director
//Jordan Potter
Creep’n grills since 2009