Sat Mar 15 2025 06:39:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Electoral policies to be reviewed for next semester

Ballots were cast by approximately 15% of the student population in the Fall 2009 Capilano Students Union (CSU) election.

After weeks of campaigning and All-Candidates meetings with a small audience, the democratically inclined population of Capilano has made their choice. With no single candidate receiving more than 385 votes, a total of 471 ballots were submitted.

According to Giselle Aiabans, CSU Staff Organizer, that is an “amazing number,” compared to previous elections. She estimated that in the past, a good number has been about 200 votes. She also noted that elections with contested positions usually elicit a higher turnout.

This year, four of eight positions were contested, with minimal post-election complaints.

Candidate Noah Fine lodged a formal complaint against opponent Ngaio Schim, but the Electoral Committee dismissed the complaint as invalid. Fine received written notice for exercising “unfair advantage” of CSU resources.

In the past, general practice for disciplinary action has been one written notice and then disqualification, if the candidate has another violation. Depending on the severity of the offense, candidates may be disqualified based on a single violation.

At a recent executive meeting, chair Trevor Page noted that in light of past discrepancies regarding election policy, there will be a number of proposed resolutions to amend the election bylaws at the upcoming CSU Annual General Meeting. These changes are first on the list of special resolutions to be passed at the meeting.

Noah Fine, Linda Epp, Gurpreet Kambo and Sean Stewart were all re-elected to their positions on the Educational Issues Committee, First Nations Issues Committee, Students of Colour Committee, and Students with Disabilites Committee, respectively.

Newly elected executives are Matthew Bakker for the Environmental Issues Committee, Patrick Surette for the Queer Students Collective, Daniela Hajdukovic as Social Activities Coordinator, and Sarah Vitet as the Women’s Liaison.

// Natalie Corbo
News Editor

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